Home European Meetings

European Meetings

by CCB Europe
  1. Liberating Faith in Europe . Amsterdam, 12-15 may 1983
  2. European CBCs in liberation strugglesChristian faith: commitment to liberation; the CBCs into comparison with theology of liberation and European theology. Torino, 24-28 april 1985
  3.  Evangelization and new mechanisms of oppression and marginalization in Europe. Bilbao, 8-11 october 1987
  4.  Social Justice in the Europe of 1992. Paris, 26-29 july 1991
  5.  What Directions for the Churches in a pluralistic Society ? Innsbruck, 5-7 november 1993
  6.  Which Alternatives for BCC in today’s Europe? Genève, 30 november – 2 décember 1995
  7. Meeting of European BCC delegates. Edinburg, 24-27 october 2003
  8. Living the faith today. Wien, 1-3 may 2009
    Click here to see the Vienna notebook (2009) in PDF.

    Messaggio finale
    Photos of the meeting “Living the faith today. Wien, 1-3 May 2009
  9. The Gospel will make us free. Buizingen (B), 19-21 September 2014
    Book  in French of Buizingen
    Text for us prepare for it
    Photos of the meeting “The Gospel will make us free”. Buizingen, 19-21 September 2014
  10. Christians committed to a more just world, in a poor church. 21,22 and 23 september 2018 – Rimini – Italy
    – Program
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